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Hexadecimal is a 16-digit base system. It also means that it has 16 symbols that would represent a single digit, adding A, B, C, D, E, and F on top of the normal 10 digits.

The conversion from decimal to hex is more complicated than the other way around. Set your mind to researching this, since it’s easier to make mistakes when you understand why conversion works.

Conversion Decimal to Hex

The decimal number system is very popular and is widely used. However, it is not suitable for use in the computer system. Binary and hexadecimal number systems are ideally suited for storage and service.

In the scheme of hexadecimal numbers, we represent the numbers with base 16 instead of 10 as in decimal numbers. This numbering scheme is often referred to as hex. Numbers are expressed in hexadecimal in a very compact form compared to binary.

In decimal-to-hex conversion, the user will learn the process of converting a decimal number to an analogous hexadecimal number system. In several other words, we’re going to convert the number from base 10 to base 16. We can therefore have a decimal-to-hexadecimal converter or a decimal-to-hexadecimal converter for faster access.

Decimal Numbers:

The decimal numeral system (also known as base-ten and also referred to as denary) contains ten as its base, which would also be written in decimal 10, as is the base in each positional numeral system. It is also the numerical basis most commonly used by modern cultures.

Hexadecimal Numbers:

In arithmetic and computation, hexadecimal (including base 16 or hex) is a standard numeral system with a radix or base of 16. It uses sixteen distinct symbols, most commonly 0–9 symbols representing zero to nine, and A, B, C, D, E, F (or instead a, b, c, d, e, f) symbols representing ten to fifteen.

Decimal to Hexadecimal Conversion:

The conversion of such a number from one number system to another is both very important and necessary in many applications. The conversion of the decimal number to the hexadecimal number is a very simple but necessary operation. It’s possible with a few easy steps. We can use a special conversion table for this reason.

We will find the corresponding hexadecimal number for decimal numbers from 1 to 15. It is very significant, as 0-9 digits are the same in both number systems. Although 10-15 digits in hexadecimal are represented by the alphabets A, B……F, for more than 15 digits in decimal, the following conversion procedure is followed.

Decimal to Hexadecimal Phase Conversion

To convert a decimal number to a hex, follow the steps given below;

First, divide the decimal number by 16, taking the number as an integer.

Keep the rest of it aside.

Divide the quotient again by 16 and repeat until you have a quotient value equal to zero.

Then take the remaining values in the correct sequence to get the hexadecimal numbers.

Make sure that from 0 to 9, the numbers in the decimal system will be counted as the same. But from 10 to 15, they are expressed in alphabetical orders such as A, B, C, D, E, F, and so on.

Take an example to understand the above steps for decimal to hex conversion.

Example: Convert (960) with base 10 to hexadecimal.

Solution: To follow the move,

First of all, divide 960 by 16.

960 at 16 = 60 and the remainder = 0

Again, divide the ratio of 60 by 16.

60 at 16 = 3 and the remainder at 12

Once again, dividing 3 by 16 leaves the quotient=0 and the remainder = 3.

Now, keeping the rest in reverse order and substituting the corresponding hexadecimal value for them, we get,

3+3, 12+C and 0+0+0

So, (960) with base 10 = (3C0) with base 16

This example would have helped you understand the process of conversion from decimal to hex. Now let’s solve a few more examples of good practice.

Method for Converting Decimal to Hexadecimal Number System:

Now let’s follow the steps to convert the decimal number to hexadecimal. Then we’re going to have decimal to hexadecimal instances.

 First, divide the number by 16.

This is the hexadecimal value that has been transformed.

0 0
1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
5 5
6 6
7 7
8 8
9 9
10 A
11 B
12 C
13 D
14 E
15 F
16 10
17 11
18 12
19 13
20 14
21 15
22 16
23 17
24 18
25 19
26 1A
27 1B
28 1C
29 1D
30 1E
31 1F
32 20
64 40
128 80
256 100

Methods of Conversion

There are different methods of conversion from decimal to hexadecimal.

Intuitive Method

  1. Use this form if you are a hexadecimal beginner. Of the two methods in this guide, it is easier for most people to obey. When you’re familiar with different bases, try the quicker approach below. If you’re totally new to hexadecimal, you may need to learn some basic concepts.

2. Mark down the powers of the 16th. Every digit in a hexadecimal number uses a distinct power of 16, just as each decimal digit represents a power of 10. This list of powers of 16 will be useful during the conversion:

16^5 = 1,048,576;

16^4 = 65,536;

16^3 = 4,096

16^2 = 256

16^1 = 16

If the decimal number you are converting is greater than 1,048,576, measure a higher power of 16 and add it to the list.

  1. Identify the maximum power of 16 that matches your decimal number. Write down the decimal number you are about to convert. Please refer to the list above. Take the biggest power of 16 which is smaller than the decimal number.

For example, if you convert 495 to hexadecimal, you can choose 256 from the list above.

  1. Divide the integer value by the power of 16. Stay at the entire number, skipping any part of the answer that goes beyond the decimal point.

In our case, 495 at 256 = 1.93 …  But we think for almost the whole number 1.

Your answer is the first digit of the hexadecimal digit. In this case, because we were divided by 256, the 1 is in the “256s place.”

  1. Find the rest of it. This tells you what’s left of both decimal numbers to convert. Here’s how to measure it, just as you might have done in a long division:

Multiply the last response with the divisor, in this case, 1 x 256 = 256. (In other words, the 1 in our hexadecimal is 256 in base 10).

Please deduct your response from the dividend. 495 – 256 = 239.

  1. Divide the rest of it by the next higher power of 16. Respond to your list of 16 powers. Downshift to the next smallest of 16, and divide the rest of the value to find the next digit of your hexadecimal number. (If another remainder is less than this number, the next digit is 0.)

239 nominated 16 = 14. Again, we disregard something below the decimal point.

This really is the second digit of our hexadecimal number, the “16s place.” Any number from 0 to 15 may be expressed by a single hexadecimal digit. At the end of this process, we will convert to the correct notation.

  1. Find the rest of it again. As it does now, multiply your answer to the dividend, and then subtract your answer from its dividend. This is the rest of it yet to be transformed.

14 x 16 = 224

239-224 = 15, but the rest is 15.

  1. Repeat until the rest is below 16. If you can get the remainder from 0 to 15, it can be expressed in a single hexadecimal digit. Write it all down as a final digit.

The last “digit” of our hexadecimal number is 15, in the “1s place.”

  1. Write your reply in the proper notation. Now you know all the digits of your hexadecimal number. So far, we’ve only been writing to base 10. To write each digit in a proper hexadecimal notation, use this guide to convert it:

The digits 0 to 9 remain the same.

10 = A; 11 = B; 12 = C; 13 = D; 14 = E; 15 = F;

In our case, we ended up with the digits (1)(14) (15). This is the hexadecimal number 1EF in the proper notation.

  1. Check your job. Testing your answer is simple if you understand how hexadecimal numbers work. Return each digit to the decimal form, and then multiply by the power of 16 for that location. For our case, here’s the work:

1EF Nomination (1)(14) (15)

Working right to left, 15 is in a position of 16^0 = 1s. 15 x 1 = 15.

The next digit to the left is 16^1 = 16s. 14 x 16 = 224

The next digit is in place 16^2 = 256s. 1 x 256 = 256

Adding all of them together, 256 + 224 + 15 = 495, our original total

Fast Method

  1. Divide the decimal number by sixteen. Classify division as a whole division. In other words, avoid using an entire number of answers instead of counting the digits after the decimal point.

For this case, let’s be optimistic and convert the decimal number to 317,547. Calculate 317,547 at 16 = 19,846, skipping the digits after the decimal point.

  1. Write down the rest of it in hexadecimal notation. Once you’ve split your number by 16, the rest of it is a portion that can’t fit into 16s or higher. The remainder must therefore be in the first place, the last digit of the hexadecimal number.

To determine the remainder, multiply your answer by the dividend, and then subtract the result from the dividend. In this case, 317,547-(19,846 x 16) = 11.

  1. Repeat the quotient method. You’ve translated the rest of it into a hexadecimal digit. Then, to start converting the quotient, divide it again by 16. The remainder is the second-to-last digit of the hexadecimal digit.

4. This is based on the same logic as above: the original number has now been divided by (16 x 16 =) 256, so the remainder is the portion of the number that cannot fit into the 256s location. We already know the 1st place, so the rest of it must be the 16th place.

In this case, 19,846/16 = 1240.

Remainder = 19,846-(1240 x 16) = 6. That would be the second-to-last digit of our hexadecimal digit.

Reiterate until you have a quotient less than 16. Remember to move the remainder from 10 to 15 to hexadecimal notation. Write down every remnant as you go. The last quotient (smaller than 16) is the first digit of your number. Here’s the following example:

Take the very last quotient and divide again by 16. 1240/16 = 77 Remainder 8.

77/16 = 4 Remaining 13 = D.

4 < 16, so the first digit is 4

  1. Please complete the number. As previously stated, you can find each digit of the hexadecimal number from right to left. Review your work and make sure you’ve written it in the correct order.

The final answer is 4D86B.

To check your job, convert each digit back to a decimal point, multiply by 16, and sum up the results. (4 x 164) + (13 x 163) + (8 x 162) + (6 x 16) + (11 x 1) = 317547, our decimal number.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

You are given some most asked questions related to converting decimal to hexadecimal.

How am I going to convert 1111001 to hexadecimal?

Because every 4 bits in a binary code is 1 bit in hex, the best thing to do is to convert every 4 bits to a decimal number and then to a hex number. 1001 would be 8 plus 1 which would have been 9. 0111 will be 4 plus 2 plus 1 which would be 7. The response to that is 79.

Can I convert decimals to hexadecimal, please?

Start with number n; let’s say 86, for the sake of getting an example. Take the number and divide it by 16->5R6. If the product of your initial division (not the remainder) is greater than 16, you must divide the total by 16. 86dec is equivalent to 56hex in this case.

How would I convert base 2 to hexadecimal?

98735 are not at base 2. The data must not be larger than the base. 98735 to binary (base 2) is 110000001101111.


Learners can expand their knowledge of different numbering systems by looking at the hexadecimal number system, both how to represent different values as well as how hexadecimal numbers are used by different applications.