Click Here To Use Base64 Decode Tool

Base64 decode converts your data into a human-readable format. Moreover, Base64 is called PEM (Primary Enhanced mail) and used as email encryption. Most importantly, Base64 is a group of binary to text encoding, which is the representation of binary data in the form of ASCII characters. Above all, Base64 carries data in the form of binary numbers that only supports the readable text files.

But wait!

What is decoding?

Decoding is the process of converting the encoded data into the actual. For example, I know I am hungry and I am converting this thought into words that I am hungry. Similarly, decoding is the process of converting the encoded data into the output and understandable language that one can understand what is the message. That’s why base64 decoding is the process of decoding the message of binary into the human-readable form. It is important for transferring the data from one place to the other.

It is possible to decode base64.

Yes, this amazing tool will decode the base64, which was encoded before. So, you can easily decode the base64. Moreover, base64 decode your data into a human-readable format.

Let me tell you something.

 Do you know why the base64 ends with ==?

The use of “==” means that the string contains two bytes, while the ‘=’ means the only one byte left. For decoding, the encoded should be multiple of 4 so, you can easily decode it. So, the use of ‘==’ is very necessary. Above all, there is not necessary to use ‘=’ at the end. It will only end with one or two or maybe one to pad the string.

In case you might be asking yourself.

How does base64 decode work?

To understand the work of base64, you need to see the steps given below.

  1. First of all, you remove any padding from the end and make it a string.
  2. Now, you have to convert each base64 back to its original binary representation.
  3. Now, divide the values with bytes and convert them to their original value.

You may think that

How the base64 look like?

Base64 map 3 bytes (8×3= 24 bits) and in 4 characters that span 6-bit binary number (6×4=24 bits), so it looks like TwfGIzIGR something like that. The string will belong as the encoded string and it totally depends on the string value. If the string value is long then the encoded string will be larger.

 How can one convert text to base64 by hand?

You may think that how one can convert text to base64 by hand. Now, we are giving you the method that you can perform and get the answer.

Step 1:

You have to memorize the ASCII code for each alphabet and numbers.

Step 2:

It is quite a time-consuming part and you need to convert every character into an 8-bit binary number which is quite a time taken. First of all, you need to select the number, which is need to be converted.

Moreover, you need to be write down 0+ the first three binary bits on the top. Then, you need to write down the last four binary numbers on the left. Note that each word has 8-bit binary numbers and you need to keep this in mind.

Step 3:

The total number of the binary should be divisible by 6, if it is not divisible then add some zeros at the end of the binary string to make it divisible. The word “green” has 40 bits, which is not divisible by 6 so add two zeros at the end to make it 42, so it will be divisible by 6.

Step 4:

Now, you need to divide the string into equal 6 parts because we have to make the group of  7 binary digits.

Step 5:

Now, you need to convert your binary digit to decimal. In this, we are going to convert each binary group into a decimal.

Step 6:

Now, you need to convert the decimal to ASCII character.

  1. If the given value is between 0-25, then the ASCII code will be A-Z.
  2. Moreover, if the value is between 26-51, then the ASCII code will be a-z.
  3. Furthermore, If the value is between 52-61, then the ASCII code will be 0-9.
  4. Similarly, if the value is 62 or 63 then the character is “/” and “+”.

How Do I open base64 images on the website?

Images encoded with base64 can be used in HTML tags. This could help us to load the image time on the website. Moreover, it saves the browser for making more HTTP requests. So, using the base64 images is quite safe for your site.

By now, you should think.

Is Base64 is secure?

Base64 is commonly used to convert the Binary number to ASCII character. As technology improved so much, if you don’t use Base64 properly then there will be a security risk. So, if you don’t understand how to do this, then don’t try this. It may cause security effects as well. Let us see where the base64 is used?

where the base64 is used?

So, the question arises that where we used base64. Moreover, we used base64 encoding, when there is a need to encode binary data. So, when there is a need to transfer the data from one place to the other. So, we can say that it is used for transferring the data. Moreover, it is used for textual data. You can encode the text message and then send it to the recipients.

Does base64 save space?

Apparently, the base64 is consuming so much space but, we use 64 different values per byte. Moreover, a byte can be represented by 256 various characters. Due to this, we will use 8 bytes. Above all, the base64 file has ¾ space as its original one. So, you should use 33% more storage than actual storage. Because Base64 consumes more storage as compared to its original size. So, you have to keep an extra space as well.

Now, you may think that

Is base64 is smaller than binary?

Base64 uses 6 bits per byte to encode the data. On the other hand, binary uses 8 bits per byte. Moreover, in base64 it has padding at the end as well. Above all, it may have some extra words as well. Base64 is 1.37% bigger than the original value because the data is converted to a binary number and binary numbers consume 8 bits per byte.

Is base64 is ASCII or UTF-8?

What do you think that what is UTF-8? UTF-8 is the encoding to encode the character. Moreover, it converts the Unicode character set to the UTS. Whereas, the BASE64 encoding to represent any byte sequence of sequence printable character such as A-Z, a-z, /,+. So, both are totally different from each other and you have to clear the concept of these two things.

Is it enough for you?

If not go ahead and get more information.

How can one calculate the size of base64?

After diving into the pool of knowledge, you may want to know that how can one calculate the size of the base64 file by himself. So, let us get some exploration of this matter as well.

  1. You know the size of base64 is 1.37 times greater than the original one, so you need to add 814 MB with the original size.
  2. You can also calculate the ContentLength to determine the size in bytes.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do base64 images load faster?

Base64 will expand the encoding by a third of its width. Moreover, it also increases the bandwidth utilization and the pipeline. So, if you are using the Base64 images inlined then the website will load it faster than the distinct images. So, if you are using the base64 images then, you should use inlined and the website will show them faster.

How do I make base64 smaller?

Everyone needs to lower the size of base64, so they can save the storage. To make it smaller in size, you need to do the following methods given below.

  1. You need to convert the base64 encoding and decoding with your hand. Otherwise, you wouldn’t get a small size.
  2. You need to use a pure binary base, not another.
  3. Above all, you need to use fewer data.
  4. Apply for multiple requests.


That’s it, guys, I hope you get the valuable information from this article. Moreover, Base64 is called PEM (Primary Enhanced mail) and used as email encryption. Most importantly, Base64 is a group of binary to text encoding, which is the representation of binary data in the form of ASCII characters. . It is important for transferring the data from one place to place.